More $$$! Less Effort! Do Good! ...Join the Spirit Ad® Community Network!
Does your organization or group have a website?
Get more $$$ with less effort. Add a Spirit Ad offers page to your website and make $$$ displaying sponsored content. Fund programs, provide savings to your members, and build community all at the same time. Click the Fundraise tab to learn more.Do you own or run a business?
Connect with target customers and make more $$$ while doing good. Publish your business info and coupons on community websites displaying Spirit Ad pages. Build awareness, promote special offers, and grow your business...while supporting groups you care about. Click the Advertise tab to learn more.Are you part of a community?
Save money while doing good. Use Spirit Ad coupons and special offers from sponsored ads and messages on websites of groups you care about. Spirit Ad banners make it easy for everyone to benefit while doing good. Businesses can update messages at anytime, site owners get funds while maintaining control over their content, and the entire community saves. Go to to find community websites with Spirit Ad coupons, offers, and sponsorship opportunities.
Generate Revenue with Spirit Ad Fundraising
Spirit Ad fundraising is an easy way to get $$$ by simply adding a few lines of code to your website or community portal. Spirit Ad listings make it easy for
groups of all kinds to generate revenue by displaying sponsored Spirit Ad listings or "Spirit Messages" on their websites. No kid selling, product delivery logistics, or massive event planning required. That said,Spirit Ad banners can easily be combined with traditional fundraisers or sponsorship programs to simplify sponsor recruiting, management, and recognition. Click the Fundraise tab to learn
more. Promote Your Business with Spirit Ad Social Advertising
Social advertising has a dual meaning for
us. 1. Advertising through family, friends, and community networks. 2. Participating in advertising that promotes or contributes to social good. Spirit Ad banners make it easy for anyone to promote a business or message with social advertising. Click the Advertise tab to learn more. Spirit Ad Fundraising & Local Advertising Solutions - More $$$ with Less Effort
Spirit Ad features are extremely flexible and can be adapted for all kinds of uses.
For groups and organizations, Sagepoint Spirit Ad features and services can be used for completely passive fundraisers or as tools that
make it easy to recruit, manage, and recognize sponsors online. Our sponsor banners can be used to display content from the Spirit Ad network or to recognize sponsors you recruit through traditional programs. Either way you maintain control over the content. You also keep 100% of funds you collect in addition to getting a share of what comes through the network. For businesses, Sagepoint Spirit Ad features make it easy to target and manage online messages and offers. The banners can be displayed on community websites to promote your business while supporting local groups and/or on Sagepoint created invitation, sign-up sheet, schedule and group pages to promote your business while organizing your own social and community activities. Click through the site to learn more or just Click here to Contact Us.
TheSpirit Ad CommunityThe Spirit Ad Community Network
A sample of organizations that have published or sponsored Spirit Ad content. (Check back for a complete directory with clickable links)